The College will be a national leader in the preparation of artists, practitioners, teachers, and scholars through educational and creative excellence.
The fine arts association provides opportunities for the students with a view to helping them explore their talents in dance, music ,Theatre Events , Finearts Events , quiz, debate, and other cultural activities.
- 1. To provide a platform for the students to exhibit their talents,to develop their skills in teamwork, co-ordination and competitiveness.
- 2. Every year to provide a platform for all students in and around the Tamilnadu. Show case their talents in platform IG FEST Competition
- 3. To conduct workshops and exhibitions to encourage the students to showcase their aesthetic knowledge, imagination and entertaining skills.
- 4. To incorporate a sense of joy among the fellow students by involving them in music composition, singing, dancing and other talents.
- 5. To enhance their imagination and enable the students to greater achievements.
- The more variety,the better society.
- Equality for diversity in this world
- Together we are stronger than ever.

Head & Asst.Professor in Mathematics

Asst.Professor in English

Asst.Professor in Tamil


Mr.S.Sebastian Raju
The Cultural Academic Calendar
The Fine Arts Club had an active calendar of cultural events. It is set to dynamically train and provide platforms to stage talents at the college level, Inter-collegiate competitions and to perform on invitation in Government sponsored cultural programmes.
Our Fine Arts students for being selected to the National Level Competitions won Overall Championship and a cash award of Rs.40,000 . They outshone 34 teams in the State Level Yuva Utsav India @2047 organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan - Govt of India and Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports on December 1st and 2nd, 2023, at A M Jain College, Chennai.
50 NSS Volunteers & 12 Fine Arts students participated in the Drug Awareness program on 01.08.2023 organized by Trichy City Police .Our students gave a spectacular vocal performance on drug awareness in the genre gana and received mementos of appreciation.
Our Fine Arts students won the OVERALL WINNNER SHIELD in the "CLASSIC FEST 2023" competition conducted by Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts on 01.09.2023 by winning the following programmes
Classical Dance : 2nd prize
Classical Song Solo : 1 st prize
Light Music Solo : 3 rd prize
Light Music Group : 3rd prize
Rangoli : 3rd prize
Drawing : 1st prize
Folk Solo : 2 nd prize
Instrument Non – Percussion : 1 st prize
Instrument Percussion : 1st prize
Folk Dance Group : 2nd prize
“நுண்கலை மன்றம் நடத்திய ஓணம் பண்டிகைக் கொண்டாட்டம் "
தேதி: 28.08.2023 காலை : 9.30 மணி
கல்லூரியின் பல்வேறு துறைகளைச் சார்ந்த மாணவிகள் "கைகொட்டுக் களி" என்னும் ஓணம் நடனத்தினைக் 'கசவு' எனப்படும் தூய வெண்ணிற ஆடையை அணிந்து பாடல்களைப் பாடியபடி ஆடி ஓணம் பண்டிகையின் பெருமைகளை எடுத்துக் கூறினர். வண்ண வண்ண மலர்களால் அத்தப்பூ கோலமிட்டு,தீபமேற்றி மாபலி சக்கரவர்த்தியை மாணவிகள் வழிபட்டனர். மேலும், அனைவருக்கும் ஓணம் பண்டிகை வாழ்த்துகளை உற்சாகத்துடன் தெரிவித்து மகிழ்ந்தனர். இவ்விழாவில் கல்லூரியின் பல்வேறு துறையைச் சார்ந்த மாணவிகள் பலரும் கலந்துகொண்டனர்.
The Fine Arts Club and the Literary Associations of SIGC jointly organized Talent Oriented Competitions for the first year UG students. Dr.P.Gajalakshmi, Principal, Shrimati Indira Gandhi college, inagurated the competitions. The fine arts club conducted various events namely Classical dance, Instrumental, Solo song, Bridal makeup, Folk dance, Mime, Face Painting, drawing, Skit, Western Dance and Rangoli. The literary associations conducted literary events such as Essay Writing, Poetry Writing and Oratorical contest both in Tamil and English. The panel of judges for each competition scrutinized the performance and skills of the participants.More than 280 first year students actively participated and considered these competitions as a platform to exhibit their talents.
Our Fine Arts students selected to the state level competitions District level -Ist place with Cash Award in Folk Dance, Declamation contest and Poetry competition held in Nehru Yuva Kendra DISTRICT YUVA UTSAV - INDIA@ 2024 ( 2023-2024) held on 27.06.2023.
Fine Arts students won the OVERALL WINNERS SHIELD in "Tulips, The Women's Event* held at Hall Mark Business School, Somarasampetti on 17.03.2023.FIRST PRIZES in MIME, Funsparks, Folk Dance, Miss Tulip and Bridal Makeup and SECOND PRIZES in Face Painting and Fireless Cooking Competitions.
Receiving award for proficiency in academics, oratorical skill and in finearts from INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT, CHIEF COMMISONER SIR, Trichy for women's day 2023
Fine arts students of our college won first place with a cash award of Rs. 10,000 out of 33 colleges in KNIC FEST 2023 inter collegiate dance competition and bagged the overall winner held on 03. 02. 2023 at Kongunadu College of Education, Thottiyam.
Hearty congratulations to our Fine Arts Team.